On Demand Worldox Training Now Available

training Jun 02, 2020

We are happy today to announce today our Worldox online training courses.

When we were all forced to shelter in place several months ago, we lost the opportunity of being able to visit our clients at their offices.

We also lost a large part of our client interaction which was onsite training - That one had a sting to it.

John has a saying that goes “I will not be denied” So for us we came up with Plan B.

That led us to develop this new offering of Worldox online courses. We took what we did in clients conference rooms and offices, and we reformatted it into small digestible segments that you can access as your schedule permits and at your own leisure.

We took the Worldox users experience and developed a course outline that replicates the users workflow.  We then enhanced that with advanced features and functions in Worldox.

Personally, I took my recently acquired skills with videography and set up a studio in my home. I  started crafting, creating and recording and along the way improved our techniques to produce what we believe is a very professional and powerful result that will be an effective learning tool for you or your staff. 

We intend to continue developing our current courses and will add additional ones in the months ahead.  So, what you see now in these 16 lessons is just the beginning.

We look forward to providing you highly valuable, quality products that are relevant to solving your training needs for many years to come.

We welcome your feedback.  

Click here for more information

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