Welcome to our new website

May 31, 2020

We at Doxadvisors welcome you to our newly designed and now live website.

As a result of our recent health crisis we found ourselves with a little extra time on our schedules, more than we had planned. As a result we decided this was a perfect time to re-design our website. What I didn't count on was Peter getting involved with creating, recording and developing our online training course program. Since we have to all be working in remote locations, and will be for sometime we needed a new plan to train our new and existing Worldox users. Since we won't be visiting conference rooms in our clients offices in the near future we felt this was the next best thing to us being on site and training new and existing firms on WORLDOX. We have taken what we normally do in person and improved upon those techniques to provide you videos with on screen recordings on our training topics allowing our clients to  access training material at their locations and as their time permits. We hope you enjoy our series.

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