New DoxAdvisors Website Launch

May 31, 2020

On this exciting day that SpaceX launched two astronauts towards the International Space Station, we are equally thrilled to launch our new website.

This will allow us to provide an ever increasing number of tools and services for our clients.

We can leverage the newly accepted teleconferencing capabilities like Zoom and Teams to provide top quality service anywhere in the world.

All firms at the moment are reassessing how they can best service their clients.  Life will be very different going forward and we are comfortable we have a solid plan in place to continue to serve our clients in even more creative ways.

Video Conferencing is more acceptable now than ever and this alone provides us with a new and effective way to communicate.

We thank all our clients for your business.  We wish all of your employees a safe and healthy time.

If we can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out.  


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